Conversational Interface 1 1

Apr 3, 2018

According to a new report from Tractica, the virtual digital assistant market will reach $15.8 billion worldwide by 2021.

Modern enterprises are rapidly embracing AI-bots in order to communicate with their consumers. Although one of the biggest confusions they have is whether to build a conversational user interface (CUI) that supports voice or just build a text capable bot. This is why enterprises must understand their business requirements and then decide whether or not they want to integrate a voice assistant with their bot.

The four conversational user interfaces include

  • Text to text (the consumer and chatbot have a conversation using text)
  • Speech to text (the consumer talks and the chatbot replies back in the form of text)
  • Text to speech (the consumer texts and the chatbot responds with voice)
  • Speech to speech (the consumer talks to the device and gets a verbal reply)

The building of a conversational interface of a chatbot should not just be limited to visuals, instead it should be capable of understanding the intent of your audience.

When we talk about voice assistants and chatbot conversational ux interface – both are new interfaces getting popular as a way to drastically promote user engagement.

How a voice assistant integrated with a chatbot can take consumer engagement to a new level

Consumers today are expecting communication to be real with the growing use of technology. Many surveys have shown that consumers want to have conversations with their devices, and they want those devices to recognize their voices and take commands and process the actions.

It is for the enterprises to decide what kind of chatbot interface they wish to develop, a chatbot with or without a voice assistant. Selecting the voice-assistant will depend on the nature of your business and what type of AI-bot the target audience would prefer.

We now have the power of CUI to design a good voice-assistant that is easy to use with voice commands. Therefore, enterprises can easily develop a chatbot interface and start engaging with their customers in a more conversational way.

Studies have concluded that humans find it more comfortable to speak compared to texting which consumes more time. Furthermore, statistics have shown that by using speech recognition one can easily achieve over 100 words per minute with more than 95% of accuracy.

Hence, voice assistants, if integrated with a chatbot, would speed up the consumer level of interaction and allow ease of use. Talking is natural, and consumers are expected to communicate with their devices using their own voice commands.

Voice assistant is the new way which is more fascinating to consumers as it is easy to use. Activities such as searching for information, marking dates on a calendar, playing music from the playlist, placing food orders, booking show tickets, and more can be managed easily with voice-over commands. You can also add multiple products to your shopping cart using a voice assistant.

Top capabilities of voice assistants

  • Voice assistants are design oriented and easily accessible. It has elements such as volume control, multimodal interactions, and creates a comfortable CUI experience for users.
  • It can encourage a user to try its communication option.. For example, it can state: “Ask an expert for advice and get a quick reply”.
  • It can be designed to offer personalization to each user, referring to them by name and leading friendly conversations.
  • It has the potential to blend the capabilities of images and videos and provide a better user experience.
  • It can use various visuals for better communication and ease complex interactions.
  • It also has the capability to comprehend the user’s question and give appropriate solutions. To recognize the user’s voice and make out what the user is saying in order to provide suggestions and recommendations.
  • In a more fun way, it use emojis to make conversations lively, adding a sense of warmth and personality.

Final Insights
The CUIs are creating the future of business-to-consumer interactions with their intuitive and responsive designs. A voice assistant is one of the form of CUIs that fits in the chatbot framework to be more effective. Many enterprises are already adopting voice assistant-based chatbots for more productivity. If you wish to know more about how you can adopt voice assistant based chatbot for your organization then, talk to our experts.

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